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How Do Pregnancy Stretch Marks Pass?

Mar 01, 2023

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Is it possible to describe the happiness a mother-to-be will experience when she finds out that she is pregnant? What about the feelings of sharing such a long period of 9 months with a miracle in your body and an innocent and lovely soul... There are many difficulties that expectant mothers face during the pregnancy process, which starts with a careful, balanced and healthy life decision from the first day. In this process, which is spent with many physical and mental sacrifices, unfortunately, some negativities begin to show themselves in our body. In this article, we will share with you natural skin care practices that will seek answers to questions such as what causes stretch marks during pregnancy, how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, and that will support you physically and mentally during this miracle 9 months.

When Do Stretch Marks Start During Pregnancy?

Stretch marks in pregnancy, age, skin type, genetics, etc. It is one of the issues that almost all expectant mothers complain about in direct proportion to many factors. Stretch marks during pregnancy are considered an inevitable consequence. However, if you take the necessary care of your body from the first day, it is possible to prevent the problem of abdominal cracks in pregnancy. Before moving on to the topic of what should be done to prevent cracks from occurring, let's look for answers to the questions of why cracks occur during pregnancy and when do cracks start during pregnancy.

You should know that with pregnancy, our body prepares itself to experience many hormonal, physical and spiritual changes. Hormones released during pregnancy work to prepare the mother's body for the baby. Estrogen and cortisol, which are among these hormones, transmit the stop command to skin cells that produce collagen and elastin, which provide skin elasticity. In the later stages of pregnancy, stretch marks begin to appear during pregnancy due to reasons such as the development of the fetus and weight gain. Stretch marks seen in the last 3-4 months of pregnancy change with excessive weight gain, inadequate skin care and fetal development and occur at an earlier stage. Skin cells obeying the stop command stop repairing the structures that make up the roof of the skin. The growing pregnant belly becomes taut and stretch marks appear.

What Causes Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

What Causes Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
The slowdown of the cells that provide skin elasticity as a result of hormonal stimuli causes the formation of cracks, especially in the lower abdomen, chest, hips and thighs, together with abdominal tension and weight gain during pregnancy. Regional ligaments are damaged on the stretched skin. Long, slightly deep and pinkish-white cracks form. This condition, also called birth cracks, can be visible and uncomfortable after birth as the skin tension is reduced. It is important to know that the problem of pregnant stretch marks is not unique to you and that almost all expectant mothers experience similar problems. You can prevent or minimize the formation of pregnancy stretch marks with a skin care routine that you will apply regularly during pregnancy. Let's take a look at the anti-stretch skin care routines during pregnancy and the amazing power of 100% natural oils.

What Is Good For Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

The abdomen, which is the area where tension and deformation is most intense compared to other skin areas, is stretched more than normal and as a result, cracks appear in this area. In order to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, you should pay attention to your diet and consume plenty of water from the first day of pregnancy. In this way, you will obtain a more durable skin roof by providing your skin with intense and internal moisturizing and increasing skin elasticity. With regular nutrition and water consumption, 100% natural skin care routine that you will apply with natural skin care products that will moisturize and nourish your skin without harming you and your baby. It is the answer to the question of how to pass the cracks.

Before the question of what to use for abdominal cracks during pregnancy, it should be known that the formation of cracks is a natural result of the pregnancy process and we can strengthen our skin before the formation of these cracks with the necessary natural skin care. After the formation of stretch marks, the common concern of all pregnant women is increasing with questions such as what is good for stretch marks in pregnancy, how to remove birth cracks in the abdomen. However, thanks to the precautions to be taken before the formation of cracks, you can minimize the problem of cracks during pregnancy and prevent it with proper care.
What Is Good For Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
Pure plant-derived oils can be used as 100% natural, nourishing and moisturizing care products for the skin. Mineral oils, which are included in chemical skin care products, disrupt the hydro-lipid layer of the skin in long-term use. Mineral oils that cannot be metabolized by the skin, that our body cannot identify and therefore do not include in its functioning, can damage our skin over time by making chemical residues. For this reason, natural oils obtained from plants, recognized by the body, which nourish and moisturize the skin by participating in metabolism, and contribute to the youth and repair mechanism of the skin, should be preferred during pregnancy. So what's good for stretch marks from pregnancy?

Alfheim Wheat Essential Oil, obtained by cold pressing the sprouts of wheat seeds, is indispensable for skin care during pregnancy with its highly nourishing and moisturizing content. Consistent with the Max-Rubner Institute Fixed Oil Database, Alfheim Wheat Germ oil contains high levels of Vitamin E, Lecithin, Coenzyme Q10 and other phytochemicals. Keep the connective tissues of the skin healthy, activate the metabolism and microcirculation of the skin, to prevent pregnancy stretch marks. You can apply this miraculous oil to the areas where cracks are likely to occur, by massaging, for an elastic, lively and moist skin. In addition, wheat germ oil supports the youth mechanism of the skin for mature skin in advanced age pregnancies.
How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Vegetable oils are very valuable for skin care during pregnancy. Natural oils obtained by cold pressing method are valuable for the skin with the valuable fatty acids and phytochemicals they contain. Vegetable oils, which are especially rich in double and polyunsaturated fatty acids, are the oils most susceptible to reaction with the body. Therefore, as soon as they are applied to the skin, they are included in the skin metabolism and nourish and moisturize the skin. Alpha Linolenic Acid, a metabolic activator, is an important building block of cell membranes. Alpha Linolenic Acid is helpful in supporting the microcirculation of the blood in the skin and the repair mechanisms of the cells.

In addition to the valuable fatty acids carried by vegetable oils, another skin treasure that accompanies them is phytochemicals. Some of these phytochemicals are Lecithin, which moisturizes the skin by increasing the moisture holding capacity of the skin, Phytosterol, which makes the skin soft and flexible, and Vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect that protects cells by fighting free radicals. With its rich content of Alpha Linolenic Acid and all of the above phytochemicals, wheat germ oil can be used as a stretch mark oil during pregnancy.

Alfheim Rosehip Seed Oil, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytochemicals like wheat oil, is also very effective in preventing and removing cracks. Wheat oil and Rosehip Seed oil are a great duo for natural pregnant stretch marks care oil that does not harm you and the baby. With 30 ml of Rosehip Seed Oil that you will add to 100 ml of Wheat Oil, you will prepare a wonderful gift for your entire skin.

Are Pregnancy Stretch Marks Permanent?

With the right skin care routine, you can get rid of pregnancy and birth stretch marks. For this, you can apply a few care routines with natural oils that will naturally nourish your skin, repair its building blocks, and help skin cells in establishing a healthy cycle by participating in skin metabolism.
Exfoliating while showering is great for renewing your skin. Thus, you will be free from dead cells and toxins accumulated on the skin. In addition, you increase the absorption and effectiveness of the products to be applied during the care by the skin. For this, you can choose Alfheim Hemp & Pumpkin Fiber Exfoliating Soap and Alfheim Exfoliating Body Scrub. In addition, the mixture of Wheat oil and Rosehip Seed oil, which you will apply for moistness after the bath, will help your skin to be saturated with moisture and help the skin regain its lost elasticity.
You can visit our category for Alfheim pregnancy care products .

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