Alfheim Aromatherapy Blog

What is Seasonal Hair Loss, How Long Does It Last?

Mar 01, 2023

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Seeing more than normal hair strands on the hairbrush, in the shower or in the bathroom during seasonal changes can disturb many people. Losing an average of 80 to 100 strands of hair per day in adults is considered normal. Since the hair is in a continuous renewal cycle, the shedding experienced during the day is not considered as a loss. During shedding, the roots of the hair rest and the ground is prepared for the emergence of new and healthy hair.

At certain times of the year, especially in the autumn months, an increase in shedding can be observed. Shedding in the spring and autumn periods is expressed as seasonal hair loss.

What is Seasonal Hair Loss?

The change in weather throughout the year can cause visible changes in the body. While the summer months tan the bright and radiant skin, the fresh spring air cleans the respiratory tract. While dry winter air causes cracks in the skin, spring months trigger seasonal hair loss. The body adapts quickly to seasonal changes in the ecosystem. Experiencing hair loss during seasonal changes is also seen as a part of harmony.

You can see that there are many studies, both at the national and international level, on why spills increase at certain times of the year. According to research, shedding that starts at the end of summer can reach its maximum level in autumn.

It is possible to confirm with the results of the research that there is much more shedding in women than in men. However, if you have a good hair and scalp care culture, you can see that your hair loss is below normal even during the seasons. You can use Alfheim products suitable for your hair type to minimize hair loss in autumn or summer.

Why Does Hair Lose During Seasons?

While an average of 100 hairs are lost in other periods of the year, hair loss may be around 150 in seasonal periods.

There are various stages in the period until the hair strand comes out of the scalp and sheds. Hair is in the talogen phase in summer. The hair fiber rests in the talogen phase. In the spring and autumn periods, it passes into the exogenous phase, that is, the shedding phase is experienced. Stages of hair "In which months does seasonal hair loss occur?" It also answers the question. Since the exogenous shedding phase occurs in spring, seasonal shedding mostly occurs in September, October, April and May.

The most important factor for the scalp and hair follicles to enter the shedding phase is the change in air temperature. Hair loss due to temperature during weather change periods is considered normal in the cyclical process. After shedding in a healthy hair structure, the hair regrows and falls out after completing its life. If you can get through the seasonal transition periods with minimal shedding, we can say that you take good care of your hair and scalp throughout the year.

How Long Does Seasonal Hair Loss Last?

Seasonal hair loss, which is technically not even considered a loss, is temporary. The shedding that occurs at the beginning of the season can return to its normal order after a few weeks. If you are using hair care products, your hair will quickly adapt to the season, so shedding may end in a short time. "How long does seasonal hair loss last?" The answer to the question depends on personal hair care. For those who do not benefit from hair care, it covers a period of several weeks.

Each hair strand leaves the body when it completes its development process. Shedding time varies according to the person's hair structure and hormonal balance. Studies also state that hormonal changes are among the causes of shedding that occurs during seasonal changes. The body enters the process of adapting to the weather changes that occur during the seasonal transitions. Hormonal changes may occur during the adaptation process. If you regularly care for your hair and scalp, you will be minimally affected by the process.

Can Seasonal Hair Loss Be Prevented?

As the nature changes with the change of seasons, the hair also changes. You may experience seasonal shedding at different times depending on where you live. Even in the same climate, your body may react differently compared to another. Even the number of wires spilled can vary depending on the individual situation. So what is good for seasonal hair loss?

You can use Alfheim Hair Care hair mask and serum to overcome seasonal hair loss. Mild and toxin-free serums and hair masks can be applied daily. It should be used regularly to get the desired results.

Along with supportive care products, you can make verified habits a routine to deal with seasonal shedding.

  • The general structure of the hair consists of protein. You can update your diet list with grains, protein, fresh fruit and vegetables. You can strengthen your diet with Alfheim cold-pressed argan oil .
  • You can massage the scalp several times a week using a scalp massager. Massage provides blood circulation in the scalp and helps your hair look healthier and brighter.
  • You can avoid chemical hair cleaners. Instead of chemical products, you can use Alfheim Shampoo Scalp cleansers, which contain calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals such as B3 and B6.
  • In summer, sunlight supports the hair's keratin production. Keratinse protects the hair, adds shine and vitality to the hair. It is necessary not to deprive the hair of the positive effects of the sun during the summer months against the spills that may occur in the spring months.

With the right care products, you can prevent year-round spills from being a nightmare.

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