Alfheim Aromatherapy Blog

How to Determine Skin Type?

Mar 01, 2023

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In this article, we will look for answers to the questions of how to understand skin type and how to make skin type analysis. In addition, we will talk about simple and effective methods in order to use the products that are good for our skin more consciously and to choose them according to our skin type.

Our skin types are hereditary, environmental, climatic, etc. It is a structure that takes shape and changes with the combination of many factors. Understanding this structure is undoubtedly one of the most critical points in creating the right care routine that our skin needs. We have experienced a lot of situations where the products that people around us cannot finish praising do not have the same effect on our skin. Those who got rid of all their acne and acne with a miracle product, those who say goodbye to skin spots in just a week, your friends who praise you with the products they use with moist and smooth skin in summer and winter… The first thing we should ask ourselves before getting angry with the product or our friends is the effect it did not show on us even though we used the same product persistently. We should not skip questions:
  • -What is my skin type?
  • -Is this product suitable for my skin type?
By asking these questions, you will have taken a huge step towards reaching the right result. Thus, we give ourselves the opportunity to choose the right product without further tiring our dry and sensitive skin with abrasive cleansers, without lubricating our sebum-balanced face with slow-absorbing oils.
Now, let's take a closer look at the subject and look for answers to the questions of how to learn skin type, what are skin types and features, how to do a skin test, and what products are suitable for our skin.

Determining Skin Type

How to Tell Your Skin Type
Determining skin type and learning skin type means understanding your skin metabolism and noticing what it needs. Thus, you can perform the effective and fast care that your skin demands from you. To establish a satisfying skin care routine, you should start by determining your skin type. You can learn your skin type from professional beauty salons or some pharmacies, or you can get an idea about your skin type with a few simple methods you can apply at home. This information will not only give you an idea about which care products you should use, but also how you should organize your daily routines from nutrition to sleep. So what are the skin types?

How Many Skin Types Are Divided?

What is the Skin Type?
Hereditary gene transfer, the effects of the environment we live in, climatic effects, etc. Many factors affect our skin type. In a cold and arid climate, you are expected to be prone to dry and sensitive skin. If you do not have a sleep and diet plan in your daily life and you consume packaged foods, you are inviting acne and blackheads. All these are decisive for the skin type. How many skin types are there?

Sensitive Skin Type: It defines a skin that is easily worn, reddened and stretched by exposures such as heat, cold, humidity, wind and sun. If you have a skin type that causes itching and dryness as a result of external effects, you may have a sensitive skin type.

Oily Skin Type: Skin with an unbalanced "sebum" secretion, the main task of which is to protect the skin. Excess sebum disrupts the moisture balance of the skin. It is very difficult to maintain long-term permanent makeup for these skin types prone to blackheads and acne. Later in the day, your skin often vomits the foundation on your face. If you are witnessing, your skin type may be oily.

Dry Skin Type : The sebum imbalance in oily skin is manifested by the lack of sebum from dry skin type. Shedding and flaking may occur easily. Especially cold weather is challenging for our dry skin types. Skin that dries and cracks easily can become painfully dry. It is the skin type most prone to wrinkle formation.

Combination Skin Type : It is a different variant of sebum imbalance. While excess sebum in the T-zone causes an oily structure up to the forehead, middle of the eyebrows, nose and chin on the face, sebum secretion is low and dry in the section called the U-zone, which continues from under the chin to the cheeks and temples. If you feel dryness and tightness in the temples and cheek areas of the newly washed face, you may have a combination skin type.
Normal Skin Type: There is a balanced sebum secretion. The pore sizes on the skin are ideal and have a healthy tension.

Sensitive Skin Type: It shows similar features with dry skin type. It is more sensitive to external factors and may cause more radical problems.

How is the Skin Type Test Done?

You can find out your skin type through measuring devices in professional beauty salons or in a number of pharmacies. There is a simpler and at-home method that gives a very good idea about your skin type. Everyone can easily apply this practical method at home and have information about their skin type.

Wash your face to determine your skin type at home. After drying your face with a soft towel, after 2 hours, apply light compresses to different parts of your skin with the help of a clean napkin. You can start with the forehead and between the eyebrows. Then apply a compress to the temples and cheek area.

How to Determine Skin Type?

If there is oiliness in all areas on the napkin, we can say that you have an oily skin type. If there is lubrication in the T zone, if there is no combination in the U zone, if there is no lubrication and sensitivity, it can be said that you have a dry skin type. Make sure that your face does not come into contact with anything for 2 hours. For a more precise result and highly sensitive skin, you can consult a dermatologist. Measurements are made with skin type determination devices for sensitive skin.

How to Tell Oily Skin?

By applying the skin type test, we learned about the structure of our skin. With the skin analysis test, we have taken the most important step to choose the product that is suitable and good for our skin. What if after this skin type determination test, our skin turns out to be oily? How to understand and in daily life symptoms tell us that we have an oily skin structure?

The oil you see on the napkin at the end of the home skin type test gives a strong idea that your skin may be oily. In addition, large pores, frequently recurring blackheads and acne, localized shine and wet appearance may indicate oily skin. Excessive sebum secretion in oily skin disrupts the moisture balance of the skin. Alfheim Geranium Purifying Facial Soap product, which purifies the skin by maintaining the moisture balance and pH of the epidermis, is ideal for oily skin cleansing.

Oily skin can become even more oily depending on environmental conditions and stress. It is best to start the treatment with carrier oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids to ensure sebum balance. For oily skin, you can use Tea Tree oil along with Alfheim Hemp Oil . Check out the Alfheim Essential Oil Dilution Chart to dilute essential and carrier oils in the right proportions. Prefer Alfheim Firming Face Cream and Firming Face Oil to prevent acne and acne formation by tightening the pores. For the whole body, you can use Firming Massage Oil .

How to Identify Combination Skin?

If regional lubrication, dryness and flaking occur at the end of the skin type test applied at home, it indicates a mixed skin type. While there is shine and lubrication in the T-zone in daily life, it creates dryness and sensitivity from the temples to the cheeks under the chin (U-zone). While redness, dryness and flaking are seen on the cheekbones and cheeks, oiliness continues in the T zone. Ideal care for combination skin, natural activity face care products and carrier oils that absorb quickly and provide moisture balance in the entire skin and contribute to skin metabolism should be preferred. Alfheim Hydrating Face Cream is ideal for combination skin. For pre-cream balancing care, you can choose cedar oil together with grape seed.

How to Determine Normal Skin Type?

Normal skin type differs from other skin types with its features. Balanced sebum secretion helps a healthy and vibrant appearance. In normal skin, negativities such as acne, acne, redness, itching and sensitivity are not experienced as often as other skin types. But this does not mean that normal skin does not need care. Normal skin types may face undesirable problems if protective and skin metabolism-supporting care routines are neglected. For this reason, if you have a normal skin type, you can include oils such as Alfheim Shea Butter , Borage and Wheat, which help protect skin moisture, in your daily care routines. Also, Alfheim Nighty Night Face Cream will be a good choice for moisturizing and relaxing care at night.

How to Identify Dry Skin?

In the skin type test we do at home, if what you see on the napkin is flaking and rash, you may have dry skin. Redness, itching, blistering and rash on your skin, which is exposed to external factors such as wind and sun in hot and cold weather, may indicate that you have a dry skin type. Apricot Kernel Oil, with its fast absorption and high Vitamin E content, is ideal for dry skin. Alfheim Hydrating-Moisturizing Face cream helps you to have a saturated and soft skin all day long. In addition, you should prefer Borage oil for skin dryness caused by stress.

How to Tell Sensitive Skin Type?

Sensitive skin is often sensitive, reddish and thin. It is a skin group that is very prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Alfheim Calming Face Cream is produced for sensitive skin. Before applying the soothing and restorative cream, you can also choose Coconut oil, which nourishes it without leaving a greasy feeling thanks to its rapid absorption. A few drops of Geranium and Chamomile essential oils that you will drop into Coconut oil will help soothe your skin and balance it with its scent.

We have shared information about all skin types and features that will make your work easier in daily practice. While sensitive skin types expect a different approach, we have seen that oily skin needs a different care. We took a closer look at what skin types are. So does the skin type change? Yes, you can change your skin type. In other words, you can maintain the moisture balance of your skin. It is possible to establish and maintain the moisture balance of your skin with the care products that you will determine according to your skin type. By staying away from harsh cleansers containing abrasive facial actives and care products made of unnatural actives for a while, you can explore the effectiveness and tranquility of naturalness.

Remember, our life is the sum of the discoveries we make. We lead a life to the extent that we discover life, nature and what it gives us. We exist to explore nature to the fullest and to thank it for what it has given us. And we say "thank you life".

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